What Are the Best Stocks of the Year for the OMXS Small-Cap Index, Nasdaq Stockholm OMXS Stock Exchange, Sweden Stock Market in 2024?
OMXS Small-Cap Stock Index
Best Stocks of the period...
What are the Best stocks of the OMXS Small-Cap index Nasdaq Stockholm OMXS stock exchange, Sweden stock market in 2024?
OMXS Small-Cap index Nasdaq Stockholm OMXS stock exchange, Sweden stock market - Best Performing Stocks of the Year in 2024
These have been the best performing stocks on a year-to-date (YTD) basis:
Best Stocks of '24, OMXS Small-Cap index, Nasdaq Stockholm OMXS stock exchange, Sweden stock market
- ↑ +432.73%from1.10to5.86
- ↑ +309.59%from0.73to2.99
- ↑ +110.00%from40.38to84.80
- ↑ +92.70%from15.75to30.35
- ↑ +78.31%from4.01to7.15
- ↑ +66.66%from19.68to32.8
- ↑ +37.54%from47.84to65.8
- ↑ +37.09%from30.49to41.8
- ↑ +34.00%from59.93to80.3
- ↑ +30.8%from18.62to24.35
Constituent companies considered